Meet Our Pastor

Pastor David Pinion first felt the call to ministry at the age of 10. At the age of 11 you could often find him preaching the message of salvation to his class at school (yes public school). At the age of 13, Pastor David was given the opportunity to preach at the church he attended. Through the years, he has served in various positions at local churches, as an Usher, Elder, Children’s Pastor, Youth Pastor and Assistant Pastor. He was ordained for ministry on November 9, 2003.

God planted a vision for a new church in the hearts of Pastor David and his wife, Amy. A vision to reach out to people that are just not comfortable in the traditional church. As a result, they started Pure Heart on November 16, 2003.

Since the birth of Pure Heart many people have found a home, a family, and comfort in knowing they are loved and accepted as they are.

In May 2014, Pastor David was ordained into the Assemblies of God, giving Pure Heart a covering through the Assemblies of God.

Pastor David's FamilyPastor David and his wife Amy have been married 30 years and have 3 children. Stephanie, 29, who is engaged to Jimmy and is the mother of Pheonix, 2, Mary, 24, who is married to Gary, and Nick, 23.

Amy Pinion is actively working with Pastor David in the ministry at Pure Heart. She works to organize women’s activities and events. Amy has a heart for missions and leads Pure Heart in supporting children through Compassion International, and in the shoe box ministry through Operation Christmas Child. Wherever there is a need, Amy is there and ready to help.

Mary majored in Missions and graduated at Southeastern University in Concord, NC (an Assembly of God college) in 2022. Nick majored in Children’s Ministry and graduated from Southeastern University in Concord, NC in 2023. Nick is a full time Children’s Pastor at Multiply (Assembly of God Church) in Concord, NC.